Pipeline To Success

Students! Welcome to TechUp Nola! We are excited to have you on our page and we are eager to play a part in supporting your technology needs. Our main goal is to help you succeed by providing you with access to the digital world where there exists a wealth of information that’s literally at your fingertips.

As we endeavor to support as many students as we are able, please know that not all students who provide the required information will be selected due to resource constraints; however, we strongly encourage all students to participate and as we receive resources, we will assist more students. If you don’t succeed at first, keep trying because persistence is a virtue. Best of luck to you!

New Applicant Form

The student should write a one-page persuasive essay, provide a consent form, and have an educator submit the materials on behalf of their deserving student.

  • *The student should provide within the essay their name, grade level, age, and additionally, a photo of themself with their educator should be provided.
  • *The student should persuade the Tech-Up NOLA board why they feel that they deserve to receive the technology.
  • *Preference will be given to students who excel in their studies and lack resources or support for computer technology.
  • *Students should also describe any special accomplishments that they have achieved or extracurricular activities.
  • *Students should also provide a consent form with their submission with a parent or guardian's signature and date confirming their approval of the student receiving technology if selected.
  • *All information should be prepared and submitted at once.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a photo of the student with the Supporting teacher from your school.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please download the forms below.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please download the essay template below.